Take Courses Without Declaring a Degree
Non-Matriculated enrollment is open to individuals requesting to enroll in a course (or courses) without being accepted into a degree program. Non-Matriculated enrollment is for students who are:
- Meeting credentialing requirements of a state licensing agency.
- Meeting graduation requirements for another university or for continuing education.
- Taking courses for general interest.
- Meeting prerequisite courses for a degree program at CDU or at another institution.
Enrollment as a non-matriculated student is contingent upon space availability and scheduling, and is limited.
To enroll as a non-matriculated student, prospective students must:
- Complete the Application for Non-Matriculated Enrollment.
- Pay the $50 non-refundable application fee. Specific course approval must take place prior to the beginning of each semester.
- Include official transcripts of any coursework required as a pre-requisite for requested coursework.
Non-Matriculated Enrollment in College of Nursing:
- Non-Matriculated students are not eligible to take two courses “with clinical components” in one semester.
- Non-Matriculated students will be permitted to take “courses that include a clinical component per BRN documented stipulation”.
Contact Enrollment for information regarding graduate, undergraduate and professional fees for enrollment in non-matriculated coursework.
All application materials must be submitted to:
Office of Enrollment
1731 East 120th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 563-4839¦ admissionsinfo@cdrewu.edu